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What to do when you feel shut down by your mental health challenges.

What to do when you feel shut down by your mental health challenges.

When do you feel shut down by mental health challenges?

When you’re feeling down, it can feel like there is a brick wall in front of you that you can’t seem to break through. This can be a result of mental health challenges, like depression, anxiety, or bipolar disorder.

What does it feel like to feel shut down?

When someone is feeling shut down, it can be very challenging to feel motivated to do anything. This can be because they feel like they can’t get out of their own way, or they feel like there is nothing that they can do to fix their problem. You might feel like nothing will ever change and that there’s no point in trying.

Why do you feel shut down?

It can be hard to feel like you are able to connect with other people or to feel like you have anything to contribute to the world. This can be because you might feel like you are not worth anything, or like you are not capable of anything.

When someone is feeling shut down, it can be hard to feel confident in their own abilities. This can be because you might feel like you can’t do anything, or you might feel like you are not good enough.

Things you can do to overcome this feeling.

When it comes to shutdowns, there are two ways of dealing with them. You can struggle and fight against the overwhelming power of the shutdown. Or you can decide to accept the shutdown and be at peace with letting it be. The latter doesn’t mean that you’re giving up or not trying to overcome your mental health challenges. It is a natural response to knowing your limits and making peace with them.


Tucker, I., & Smith, L.-A. (2013). Topology and mental distress: Self-care in the life spaces of home. Journal of Health Psychology, 19(1), 176–183.

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