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What is a karmic relationship?

In many spiritual traditions, karmic relationships are understood as relationships between two or more people who have been allies or lovers in past lives. This connection is often thought to be the result of accumulated karma that has yet to be resolved. In all cases, a karmic debt remains to be paid by one member of the relationship and must be balanced for the other members to move on. The “karmic family” refers specifically to a set of close relatives who have a causal link created by unresolved karma from either this life or from a previous life together. The word “family” also carries an important double meaning, as it can refer to one’s own biological family as well as those with whom we share complex emotional relationships.

How is it different from the karmic family?

Karmic relationships are, therefore, relationships with a history, which can be either loving or antagonistic, depending on past experiences between the two people involved. Suppose there is a strong attraction between them now and they find themselves in each other’s lives again. In that case, their relationship will likely continue to be significant until the karma is resolved. The sixth sense acts as an inner alarm that alerts us when we have come into contact with such people we could not possibly know except through previous connections because we subconsciously recognize them based on our shared ‘karmic’ knowledge of each other. It may sometimes feel like love at first sight, but this feeling does not necessarily mean that the relationship is destined to be happy.

 What are the types of karmic relationships?

Karmic relationships can also involve sexual attraction but do not always lead to romantic entanglements. Any kind of relationship – friends, family members, work colleagues, or even enemies can be part of one’s karma with another person. Karma is very complex, making it difficult to give a universal definition of karma or its many aspects. For example, how does one define who is included in the term “karmic family”? Birth ties are only one factor in deciding whether people are related through karmic connections rather than by blood; personality traits and particular experiences shared may also play an important role.

What are karmic symbols?

Karma is the sum of all our actions, whether they are bad or good. It can be understood as a burden carried by each soul because it takes effect in the present life through specific karmic symbols that appear when certain events occur in one’s life.

Some common karmic symbols are numbers representing particular meanings, luck and misfortune stars, colors with a certain meaning, and even deities with special powers to influence karma. Each person must discover their set of karmic symbols through introspection and gaining knowledge about these things.

The message behind each symbol doesn’t originate with ourselves but comes to us from outside ourselves-such as anxiety, depression, or panic attacks. Understanding their meanings can lead toward healing anxiety disorders because anxiety symptoms are subconsciously created by repressed emotions stored within us for generations.

When anxiety strikes, it usually manifests its symptoms through something we call anxiety symbols. Anxiety can’t exist in a void; it has to attach itself to something that already exists in our unconscious mind. These anxiety symbols are the subconscious manifestations of anxiety and depression symptoms such as:

  • Feeling overwhelmed
  • Fear of failure
  • Fear of rejection
  • Worry about the future

Can karmic relationships be healthy?

In general, yes. It is possible to become ‘disentangled’ from a karmic relationship – even violent or abusive – by embracing forgiveness and self-love. It becomes easier to detach yourself from the negative karma created between you two in past lives when you can let go of your hatred for another person. In this way, both parties will move on more easily without feeling constantly drawn back into each other’s lives every time they meet again. Until this has been achieved, one party is likely to feel insecure around the other and may experience anxiety over their presence. If the karmic relationships in your life professional or otherwise are causing you tremendous anxiety and even panic attacks. I urge you to take some personal time lone to assess, how to mitigate the negative impact the situation and individuals involved have on your mental health and wellbeing. More than 150,000 from 32 countries have benefited from Panic Away program. Click Here and see its right for you.

Karmic relationships can be described as toxic relationships, that often drain rather than fuel your spirits. If you experiencing panic attacks, depression, anxiety and self-doubt, it would be useful to assess that quality of personal and professional relationships in your life.

In addition, envying others who seem happier than you demonstrates a lack of self-love and acceptance that can create problems for you in your life. It can cause you to feel drawn toward certain people who also lack self-love and causes problems for both of you: this is an example of negative karmic relationships at work. The only way for this cycle to end is to accept yourself, which will end your need to seek out people with complementary problems.

Who and why do karmic relations become unhealthy?

People with low self-esteem may be drawn towards manipulative partners (or relatives) who exploit the other’s vulnerability by preying on their fears or playing mind games. Such a person may find it impossible to break away from the partner, even when they consciously want to do so since their feelings of insecurity and fear will trigger compulsive feelings of need and desire for the abusive partner, who is in turn drawn to them because they are ‘easy pickings. The cycle reinforces both partners’ negative self-images.

Unhealthy karmic relationships typically involve people who have had many past lives together – often as lovers or spouses – and may feel an instant attraction when they meet again in this life. This can cause problems if one person wants a committed relationship while the other sees it as just a passing affair: you can read more about this here. These relationships often quickly dissolve, and the couple goes their separate ways after finding no real compatibility; however, sometimes such relationships result in marriage or long-term partnership. Both parties may find it difficult to find lasting happiness with other partners while they remain drawn to each other, which can cause problems in their current relationship.

10 indicators that it is time to see professional support?

1) a situation in which a relationship is the primary focus of an individual’s life, to the detriment of his/her personal growth and well-being.

2) a relationship becomes abusive, or one partner attempts to control another through fear or anger.

3) A pattern repeats itself from past lives into present lives, leading to negative outcomes for both parties involved.

4) recurring feelings of frustration, helplessness, and despair after each encounter with this person.

5) fears about being abandoned by your partner or experiencing rejection from them – even if they have never given you a reason to worry before – due to a feeling of insecurity brought on by your interactions with this person.

6) obsessive thoughts about the other party, often accompanied by feelings of longing and desire.

7) an inclination to ‘fall for people who fall for you’ – i.e., you feel drawn to individuals who do not share your affection, either because they are unable or unwilling to reciprocate your interest or simply don’t take it seriously. As a result, you repeatedly find yourself disappointed by them despite your best efforts.

8) feeling that the other person somehow lacks character even if it has never been apparent before: i.e., judgmental thoughts about their personality without any basis.

9) guilt at relationships with others due to preoccupation with this person, such as sleeping with someone else while still yearning for this individual or feeling guilty about spending time with other people while still wanting to be with this person.

10) an inability to accept or let go of negative experiences between both parties, even when the relationship ended long ago, i.e., feeling like it wasn’t resolved properly due to things that were said or done.

If you would like access the support and resources of a professional therapist Click Here.

Why is self-love extremely important in karmic families/relationships?

Self-love is extremely important in karmic families/relationships because when you don’t love yourself, then the chances are that you will attract partners who show signs of low self-esteem as well, which triggers your negative feelings about yourself and creates a vicious cycle. It’s important to love yourself first so you can maintain healthy relationships without creating bad karma by doing things you’ll regret later on.


Karmic relationships are formed when two people have had many past lives together – often as lovers or spouses. They may feel an instant attraction when they meet again in this life, but this can cause problems if one person wants a committed relationship while the other sees it as just a passing affair. If the relationship remains unbalanced despite attempts at resolving the situation, it can lead to negative consequences for both parties involved. If you’re part of a karmic family or you see traits of your ex-partner in your current partner, then the chances are that this person is someone who has had many lives with you and will continue to play out similar scenarios until the lessons have been learned.

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