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Stretch Mark free pregnancy

August 19, 2017, I was 3 days past due and growing anxious; my tiny frame was tired of playing host,
I wanted freedom.

I had successfully avoided all risks of pregnancy including stretch marks and I wanted things to remain as such. I am going to share with you how I managed to accomplish a stretch mark free pregnancy.
And how you can too.
You will need:
– 2 small spray bottles
– Cold pressed avocado oil
– Organic Shea butter- Cocoa Butter lotion or your choice of lotion
The process is simple, fill the two spray bottles with water and leave one at work and another in a convenient place in your home. Spritz your growing body with water whenever you feel dry or itch then generously apply lotion. In addition drink at least 2 liters of fluid to stay well hydrated. Exfoliate every day in the shower or before. After shower apply a generous layer of avocado oil followed by Shea butter and cocoa butter on your whole body. Give emphasis to thighs, breast, upper arms and stomach by spritzing the itch or dry body part with water then generously applying avocado oil and shea butter. We all deserve a stretch mark free pregnancy and glow.

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