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Separation Anxiety Disorder

Individuals challenged with this condition separation brings about extremely anxiousness when they separate from their loved one. For children separated from their primary caregiver, usually the mother causes separation anxiety. This can result in a child refusing to go to school, clinging to their parent(s), and crying hysterically at the thought of being away from them. Separation anxiety usually develops between the ages of 6 months and 9 years.


Fear that something bad will happen to their primary caregiver while they are separated from them

Refusing to attend school, daycare, or other activities because separation causes high levels of anxiety

Complaining of physical symptoms such as headaches, upset stomach, or nausea when forced to be away from their caregiver

What is Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)?

This condition causes people to have unwanted and repeated thoughts, feelings, ideas, sensations, or behaviors that drive them to do something. Common symptoms are checking things repeatedly, having frequent doubts about whether they turned the stove off before leaving home, fear of dirt or contamination, compulsive counting of objects.


Having recurring thoughts, feelings, ideas, or impulses that cause extreme anxiety

An intense need to perform certain routines or rituals to lessen the anxiety

Feeling driven to do something over and over again to reduce their discomfort. Compulsions are activities that people feel driven to do in response to an obsession, such as a compulsion to wash hands repeatedly. They also have a difficult time not doing their compulsions.


If you are an adult, struggling with separation anxiety, and are struggling with panic attacks Click Here, to access resources to reduce or prevent the panic attacks.


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