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Know your Motivation

An early life lesson I learned and still live by is “Be ready to live with your decisions, no regrets.”
I think as the start of the wellness series of this blog, what I wish to instill in “my people” I say my people in air quotes because if you are or become a regular follower of this blog some of what I share might resonate with you, making us like-minded; making you
“my people” and I yours.
So I ask “how do you know if you will be inherently happier as an employee or employer?”. Although this question appears simple on the surface, it is one that requires a tremendous amount of soul searching, in my opinion. I have found that the majority of the time what your heart wants and what you are willing to live with are not the same thing. They might appear the same on the surface but with time, one will supersede the other making you unhappy in other words its hard to pinpoint the desire vs need, vs capacity.
Through this series I hope to share how I have been able to live with no regrets no matter what situation. Specially in business.


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