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How to overcome fear!

What is fear?

Fear is the natural response to any perceived threat. Fear provides us with a deep sense of survival, and develops into anger when it’s gone too far. But if you can’t overcome fear, what hope is there for your success?

There are many ways to overcome fear, but no one answer fits everyone. It depends on the person’s unique situation and how they experience the world.

However, there are a few things that can help you overcome fear:
  1. Understand your fear. What is causing it? What is the worst thing that could happen if you don’t overcome it? Once you know the root of your fear, you can start to work on addressing it.
  1. Talk about your fear. Share it with someone you trust. Talking about your fear can help to destigmatize it and make it less powerful.
  1. Exercise! Exercise can help to release endorphins, which can help to reduce anxiety and stress.
  1. Meditate or practice mindfulness! Mindfulness can help focus and calm the mind, or even just get grounded in your surroundings when you’re feeling overwhelmed by life’s challenges!
  1. Reach out for help! If you find that you are struggling to overcome your fear, it is okay to reach out for help—there are many resources available to help people overcome fears, including therapy, self-help.


Clouser, R. (2014). Facing fear: The importance of engaging with fear in development literature. Progress in Development Studies, 14(2), 131–146.

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