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How to calm your mind in 30 seconds

How to calm your mind in 30 seconds.

Reasons for the hassle in your mind.

Your mind is always working. You’re always thinking, planning, and processing information. But often, it feels like our thoughts are too noisy. We feel stressed — or even anxious — as if our thoughts are racing at 100 mph, leaving us unable to focus on anything else.

Ways to calm yourself:

When you’re feeling stressed out and can’t seem to focus, there are a few things you can do to calm down.

1. Take a few deep breaths.

When your mind is racing, it’s easy to start taking shallow breaths. Taking a few deep breaths will help to calm your mind and focus on the task at hand.

2. Focus on your breath.

When you focus on your breath, you can start to calm your mind and clear your thoughts. When your mind is calm and focused, you can start to think more clearly and solve problems.

3. Take a walk.

Taking a walk can help clear your head and focus as well as release all of the stress that builds up inside of you during the day.

4. Start by recognizing that your mind is constantly working.

Even when you are sleeping, you are still receiving new thoughts and feelings every second. You can learn to recognize these moments and accept them as a part of life.

5. Accept that you cannot always control your thoughts and feelings.

You will never be able to completely control when or how your mind works, so it’s important to accept that it is not possible for everyone at all times.

6. Learn to tolerate random thoughts and feelings, and let them go.

When you notice that your mind has wandered off into thought or feeling, just bring it back to the present moment without judging yourself for having those thoughts or feeling that way about something in the past or present (e.g., “I shouldn’t have said this”).

7. Meditate or practice mindfulness to help you focus on your breath and thoughts.

Meditation is a great tool because it teaches you how to focus on yourself in order to take control over your mind, which helps with relaxation techniques like yoga or meditation as well as stress management in general.


Body, Mind, and Spirit: Being No. XV. of Papers for the Present, for Which the Cities Committee of the Sociological Society is Responsible. (1922). The Sociological Review, a14(1), 1–38.

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