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According to statistics, about 26% of Americans suffer from mental disorder. Based on this report, it has been seen about 1 adult in every 4 adults is diagnosed with mental health issue. This is one of the most important topics, yet people hesitate to discuss about it freely or openly. As much as your physical health is important, healthy mind is also very important. To know more about it, read on.

What is mental health?

The mental health, actually, refers to the behavioral, emotional and cognitive well-being of an individual. This can affect the way you feel, act or even think. It can also determine the way you handle stress, choose a healthy lifestyle or even relate to others. This is an important thing at every stage of your life right from childhood to senior adulthood. People can suffer from mental illness due to some trauma. Trauma can be of different types. Some of the trauma types are:

  • Acute trauma – Caused due to a single incident
  • Complex trauma – Causes due to different and many traumatic events
  • Chronic trauma – Caused due to prolonged as well as repeated traumatic events
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What is the difference between mental health and emotional health?

Though people think that mental and emotional health is the same, it is not. While mental health is all about understanding and processing the information that people learn or experience, emotional health is all about how you can manage and express your emotions when you learn or experience something. Emotional health is actually a part of mental health.

Signs your mental health is at risk

People often take mental health very casually. As much as it is common to feel sad or moody, this can have a serious reason behind it. Some of the signs that you can notice to understand whether or not your mental health is at risk are:

  • Extreme changes in your mood i.e. extremely high or extremely low
  • Feeling very down or sad most of the time
  • Feeling of excessive fear and worries
  • Extreme feeling of guilt
  • Having significantly low energy and tiredness
  • Having problem in sleeping

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5 ways to improve mental health

You can improve your mental health by different ways. Some of the ways are:

  1. Be physically active: Being physically active can help to improve mental and emotional health. Whether you want to go out for a walk, run or do some exercises and yoga, you can do to be mentally and emotionally fit.
  2. Eat healthy foods: Happy and healthy foods can improve your mood and make your feel much calmer and better. You can have comfort foods too but make sure that you are focusing more on a balanced diet.
  3. Be social: It is very important to be very social and connect with people. This can help you to be mentally much more stable. There is no doubt that good friends and good relationships can help in mental wellbeing.
  4. Practice mindfulness: You have to pay attention to what you have in the present. Being present and being mindful about what you have increases gratitude. This can help you to be much more stable mentally.
  5. Sleep properly: Getting enough and good quality sleep is important for a better mental health. You must ensure that you are getting at least 7 hours of sleep every night. This can bring a lot of change in your lifestyle and mental wellbeing

Click Here to access online therapists, who are virtually available at your convenience.

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