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Is Working, Taking a Way From Your Self-Love?

Hello 2019.
I am considering going back to the office full-time?
With the start of 2019, I have decided to work towards re-entering the workforce. I am not sure if I am fully ready; but, I do feel excited about everything 2019 has in store. And, that makes me want to reclaim my identity as a working woman. At times I think tha title is overrated because every woman is a working woman; the only difference is either you over exert yourself and work from inside the house and outside the house or self-love and only do one.
Why is it so hard to self-love. We should all get a class on self-love from the men on our lives. I guarantee you that they will definitely object to doing all that we women do. Forever sacrificing we are.
I feel that working outside the home has been so much part of my identity for so long that I don’t know how to let it go. Is that wrong? Where is a feminist tell me Yes? I also deeply appreciate the financial independence it has always given me.
I look forward to little things now. Things like taking my child to daycare, going to the gym then to work. Maybe, I am fantasizing about all of this because it has been over a year since I last drove a car and part of me is itching to get back in the driver seat.
It sure feels odd to say 2019 because it is a constant reminder that in a matter of 12 months we will enter 2020
the thought blows my mind. 2020 is the essence of every sci-fi movie I have ever loved.


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